Preparing students for practice, serving communities while learning

Be updated with the latest information about CLEP, and enrich your journey in service learning



The need for skills-building among law students has been a critical center of education reform to prepare them for practice. With the issuance of A.M. No. 19-03-24-SC Rule 138-A Law Student Practice, otherwise known as the Revised Law Student Practice Rule (Revised Rule), the Clinical Legal Education Program (CLEP) has been institutionalized as required training for those who wish to join the Bar.

As designed, CLEP is an experiential, interactive, and reflective credit-earning teaching course which aims to provide law students with practical knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the application of the law, delivery of legal services, and promotion of social justice and public interest, especially to the marginalized, and instill in the students the values of ethical lawyering and public service. CLEP also ensures marginalized and underrepresented sectors access to justice through the limited practice for law students.

Truly learning while serving, CLEP enhances learning opportunities of law students by inculcating in them the value of legal professional social responsibility, and prepares law students for the practice of law. The revised rule for CLEP shall take effect at the beginning of Academic Year 2020-2021.


To enhance learning opportunities of law students by inculcating in them the value of legal professional social responsibility, prepare law students for the practice of law, and ensure marginalized and underrepresented sectors access to justice.


Take these training courses that are available for free, designed especially for law deans, law clinic directors, supervising lawyers, office managers, judges, prosecutors, public attorneys, members of the Bar, and law student practitioners.


For Students

Grasp your role as a student in CLEP. Gain information about CLEP eligibilities and requirements to help you prepare for the program.

For Faculty

Supervise your students with key information about CLEP, and connect with community members who need legal aid.

For Community Members

Get connected with the nearest university where they can get free legal support and consultation.


Expand your knowledge

Learn more about CLEP from industry experts and professors for FREE with our courses! Create your account to start!