CLEP for Law School Administration and Faculty Members


Faculty members acting as supervising lawyers for CLEP play an essential role in making the program an insightful experience for law students. Supervising lawyers provides law students an in-depth, hands-on training which includes active participation in client interviews and counsultation and examination of witnesses, among others. Law Faculty participating in Clinical Legal Education Program must be equipped with pertinent knowledge on handling a wide array of cases and services especially to the marginalized Filipino sector, as well as impart knowledge and skills to law student practitioners to guide them in the future.
Assist faculty members in supervising, monitoring, and evaluating law students as they gain first-hand experience on law.
Law Deans and Law Clinic Directors
- Develop and adopt a Clinical Legal Education Program
- Develop and establish at least one law clinic in its schoolEndorse qualified students for certification as law student practitioner under this Rule. Such endorsement shall constitute as a certification that the dean or authorized representative knows that the applicant is a student enrolled in the Clinical Legal Education course, possesses good moral character, and has met the requirements of Section 3 of this Rule
- Ensure compliance by law student practitioners and supervising lawyers with the Code of Professional Responsibility
Supervising Lawyers
- Supervise such number of certified law student practitioners as far as practicable
- Personally appear with the law student practitioner in all cases pending before the second-level courts and in all other cases the supervising lawyer determines that his or her presence is required
- Assume personal professional responsibility for any work performed by the certified law student practitioner while under his or her supervision
- Assist and advise the certified law student practitioner in the activities authorized by these rules and review such activities with the certified law student practitioner, all to the extent required for the proper practical training of the certified law student practitioner and the protection of the client
- Read, approve, and personally sign any pleadings, briefs or other similar documents prepared by the certified law student practitioner prior to the filing thereof, and read and approve any documents which shall be prepared by the certified law student practitioner for execution by the eligible party
- Provide the level of supervision to the certified law student practitioner required by these rules
Clinical Faculty
- Teach clinical legal education courses as may be necessary to comply with the Rule
Office Manager
- Assist in the day to day operation of the law clinic